Monday, 1 December 2014

Scholarship for a Physics Education-based Masters by research

Post updated with link to pdf here.

A domestic post-graduate research scholarship is available in the School of Engineering and Information Technology at The University of New South Wales Canberra, for a Masters by Research Candidate to undertake the project.

Project Title: Investigating the origins of students’ alternative models of forces.

Supervisors: Dr Kate Wilson and Dr Tim Turner

Project Details:
Students entering university have a wide variety of conceptual frameworks and mental models of forces. Students can be very resistant to changing these conceptual frameworks.

The aim of this project is to investigate the range of alternative mental models of forces held by students at UNSW Canberra, and how these models were developed by the students. The project will also investigate how these models change through instruction or other influences. The UNSW Canberra context is interesting because of the spread of students from all Australian states.

The project will require collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data.
The successful applicant, subject to admission, will be awarded a SEIT Masters by Research Scholarship with an annual tax-free stipend of $27,049. The successful applicant would be expected to be available to commence their studies in Session 1, 2015.

UNSW Australia (the University of New South Wales) is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities. The Canberra campus of the University of New South Wales is located at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA). UNSW Canberra is less than five kilometres from the city centre and has a comprehensive library and state-of-the-art computing facilities. It is a pleasant and collegial place to work and study, and staff and students have access to ADFA facilities including free parking, gym and swimming pool.

For further information, please contact:
Dr. Kate Wilson
Phone: +61 2 6268 8172
School of Engineering and Information Technology

The University of New South Wales (Canberra)