Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Agenda for discipline day 2016 at UQ

Hi Folks,

the gathering will be relatively informal, with a simple agenda:

  1. WIL and employability in Physics degrees; past and future
  2. Report of outcomes of previous ACSME discipline days
  3. Advance call for nominations for Chair of AIP PEG (to be decided at AIP congress)

Here are a few questions to think about before tomorrow. Please feel free to email me any responses ( and to invite anyone you think appropriate to do the same.

  • Do you have complete records of where your physics students go after they graduate?
    • Can we pool this information nationally to get a picture of employment outcomes?
    • Has this already been done?
  • We talk in general terms about how employable our students-what evidence do we have?
    • What do you tell Parents at open day?
  • If you had to get a new job outside the University sector tomorrow, where would you apply?

Look forward to seeing you there.
