Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Awards case study: Patrick Keleher

Getting recognition for your work through awards is essential for career advancement. The keywords are peer-recognition and impact. I'll be posting examples of various people whose careers are at different stages, so that we can get a sense of how our peers are using this. Email me if there is someone you would like to see mentioned (e.g. yourself).

First up is Patrick's Keleher; his staff page is here. He's been doing some interesting things in 'flipped' learning, and has been successful in getting internal recognition from his university:

" .....I have rejigged two undergraduate first year Engineering Physics courses for our undergraduate/co-operative degree Engineering degree. These courses are conducted for internal and distance/flexible study modes.
 We have a 'flipped classroom approach/element/focus' for both courses. For the second term course - we are in review week at the moment and their examination is on Friday ! I have created videos to support the course delivery and I will be doing so, in readiness, for the term 1 course  over the Christmas break. I was on Long Service Leave in term 1 this year so I have delayed extending the videos to the term 1 course.
 I have been fortunate to be awarded a Vice-Chancellor's Tier 1 award last year for both courses....... I am going to apply in 2015 for a national teaching award for the work I have done and for what I plan to do for the term 1 course."